During pregnancy you may experience different signs and symptoms as your body adjusts to the growing uterus. Sometimes these symptoms may become potential emergencies during pregnancy. These symptoms include:
• Vaginal bleeding: spotting bright or dark red blood, passing clots of any size
• Visual problems: blurriness or seeing spots
• Severe headaches: not relieved by sleep or Tylenol
• Severe or continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea for greater than 48 hours
• Fever: Temperature above 101° F for greater than 24 hours
• Urinary problems: burning, urgency, painful urination
• Severe swelling: in legs, face or hands
• Abdominal or epigastric (just below the ribs) pain
• Sudden weight gain of more than 5 pounds in three days
• Decrease or significant change in the baby’s movements
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please call the office immediately at 770-474-0064 between the hours of 9 am- 4 pm, Monday through Friday. After hours and on weekends your call will transfer to the emergency line and the on call physician will be paged.