+ Heartburn
- Stay away from greasy and spicy food
- Eat smaller meals, but more often
- Do not lie down just after eating
- Elevate the head of the bed with pillows while sleeping
- Any antacid: Maalox, Mylanta, Gaviscon, Tums. Drink plenty of water with antacid tablets as it helps increase effectiveness.
+ Dizziness
- Change your position slowly
- Get up slowly after you have been lying down
- Eat regular meals/drink plenty of liquids
- Do not stay in the sun
- Report any dizziness to your doctor
+ Varicose veins
- Avoid stockings or girdles with elastic bands
- You may use support hose
- Put support hose on while lying down
- Take short rests with legs raised
+ Shooting Pains Down Legs
- Change positions: If you are sitting, stand up; if you are standing up, sit down.
+ Lower Leg cramp
- Elevate legs often during the day
- Point toes upward and press down on kneecap
- Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle for relief
- Avoid heavy meals at bedtime
+ Increased Secretions (Mucous-nose/throat/mouth)
- Do not use over the counter medicine. Check with your doctor
+ Trouble Sleeping
- Do not eat just before sleeping
- To help relax, try drinking milk
- Take a warm bath before you go to bed or practice relaxation exercises
+ Feeling Faint When Lying On back
- Lie on your left side
+ Colds/Runny nose/Sore Throat
- Warm salt water gargles, zinc lozenges, Chloraseptic spray for sore throats
- Saline nose spray and humidifier fro sinus congestion
- Sudafed, Actifed, Dimetapp, Chlortrimetron or Benadryl
+ Cough
- Robitussin Cough Syrup, expectorant or other over the counter cough syrup as long as it DOES NOT CONTAIN ALCOHOL.
+ Hemorrhoids
- Tucks pads and ice packs
- Annusol HC suppository
- Preparation H
+ Constipation
- Any stool softener may be used
- Drink at least a gallon of water a day
- Eat plenty of fiber rich foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high fiber cereal, and cooked dried beans
- Metamucil or Citracel are ineffective without the water
+ Diarrhea
- Kaopectate
- Immodium A.D.
+ Headache, Muscle Aches, and fever
- Tylenol (acetaminophen)
+ Gas
- Mylicon